Global actors are in need of energy resources to stimulate their economic prosperity. Various studies show that hydrocarbon resources will remain the main sources of energy until 2050, the studying trends of hydrocarbon resources and their geographical distribution shows that by 2025, five countries in the Persian Gulf (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and the United Arab Emirates) will be the main oil producers, while Russia, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, will be the five main gas producers. One of the basic axes of development of any country is energy development, management and implementation of oil, gas and petrochemical projects. These projects are complicated and need high management ability. In the last decade, developing countries with oil and gas reserves are trying to establish general contractor companies to implement large projects. The integrated system of strategic marketing management is one of the main foundations and pillars of the successful implementation of energy projects based on cost, time, quality and efficiency. This system directly affects project objectives, processes, resources and key performance results. Marketing in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries can be divided into two main parts: before the start of the project and after the completion of the project. The first part is defined by development of the market and participation in the tenders, and the second part deals with the sale of oil, gas and petrochemical products. Considering the special conditions of the oil, gas and petrochemical industries, a model has been presented with an emphasis on the marketing plan and using experiences in the implementation of projects. The Sharif International Trading Group have the knowledge to facilitate the supply and sale of all products.